TailWaggers Doggy Daycare


TailWaggers Doggy Daycare® has professional groomers on site to accommodate your grooming needs. Whether it's as simple as a nail clipping or as involved as a hand-scissor trim, TailWaggers Doggy Daycare® is here to help!

Cage-free Grooming

At TailWaggers Doggy Daycare® dogs enjoy cage-free grooming*. Pups here for a groom are not ushered into kennels or cages. They benefit from a more relaxing experience in which they can lounge or walk around the room while waiting for their turn to get groomed. Whether it's playing with another pup, snuggling up with one another on a cot, or just hanging out and observing all of the other pooches who are in to get pampered, dogs are allowed to do whatever is most comfortable for them.

Grooming Etiquette

At TailWaggers Doggy Daycare® our groomers meet with and talk to each client to ensure they understand the particular needs of the client, as well as the look that is desired for each dog. Only the highest quality shampoos and conditioning rinses are used. TailWaggers Doggy Daycare's® groomers are careful to select the perfect product for each pooch, taking into consideration the color and condition of their coat, as well as any skin or sensitivity issues.

Our groomers take extra time with each dog. A rushed grooming can be a stressful event which can make a pup anxious and cause them to dread their next grooming encounter. At TailWaggers Doggy Daycare® breaks are given while being groomed so pooches can rest & relax throughout their grooming experience. In addition to achieving the exact look a client desires for his or her pet, our goal at TailWaggers Doggy Daycare® is to provide a pleasant and stress-free grooming experience for each dog.


Our professional groomers at TailWaggers Doggy Daycare® are skilled in grooming all breeds of dogs - from Bichons to Bouviers, Shih Tzus to Shelties, Westies to Wheatons, and, of course, oodles of Doodles!

Professional grooming is available to all dogs - not just to daycare and boarding clients. Rates vary depending on the breed of dog, condition of coat and difficulty of cut.

Doggy Spa Day**

Treat your pooch to a spa day! It's a fun-filled day of doggy daycare followed by a late afternoon grooming appointment -- your dog will go home clean, coiffed and happily exhausted. What a way to pamper your pooch!

*Aggressive dogs, un-neutered and un-spayed dogs will be kept separate from other dogs.

**To participate in spa days, dogs must be enrolled in daycare at TailWaggers Doggy Daycare.