TailWaggers Doggy Daycare® offers you the opportunity to operate a pet daycare business that allows dogs to
play and interact with other dogs in a non-caged, supervised environment and that provides overnight boarding,
full-service grooming and a selection of healthy food and retail items. TailWaggers Doggy Daycare® is second
to none in its standards of operation and the quality of services it provides.
How much does it cost to start a TailWaggers Doggy Daycare® and what are the ongoing fees?
Because each business differs in terms of location and size, there is no quick answer to this question. We will work
with you to help you anticipate and project all of your start-up costs.
To give you an idea of the level of investment, the amount of personal cash available is a minimum of $100,000.
The minimum net worth requirement is $500,000. Lending institutions may ask you to put down up to 30% to meet
their requirements.
Ongoing fees include a royalty fee of 5% of gross sales and a marketing fund contribution of 2% of gross sales.
What does it take to own and operate a TailWaggers Doggy Daycare®?
A genuine love of dogs, a lot of hard work and dedication, and an unwavering commitment to excellence. Owning
your own business, especially one that involves dogs, can be a very rewarding experience. But many times people
get caught up in the romanticism of the idea without considering the realities of what it means to own your own
business. TailWaggers Doggy Daycare® will help to you to plan and prepare for the realities of your business.
Through an in-depth training program and an on-going support program (which includes a 24 hour a day, 7 day a
week help line) we will help you through the growth stages your business will experience, and into a strong and
mature TailWaggers Doggy Daycare® franchise.
What qualities and experience are necessary to own and operate a TailWaggers Doggy Daycare®?
MUST love dogs
Management experience
Strong entrepreneurial spirit
Commitment to excellence
What is my next step?
Call 920-882-8000 and ask to speak to a franchise representative. Or complete the
Franchise Information Request
form and you will be contacted within 24 hours.