TailWaggers Doggy Daycare


Grooming Appointments are available Monday through Sunday, seven days a week! Call for an appointment!

Our professional groomers at TailWaggers Doggy Daycare have many years of experience grooming dogs. They have groomed show dogs and family dogs of all breeds and sizes: from Afghans to Airdales, Bichons to Buvieas, Shih Tzus to Schnauzers, and, of course, every type of doodle. Our groomers are trained in hand scissoring and patiently work with special needs cases (i.e. extreme anxiety...). They meet and consult with each customer and work diligently to achieve the desired haircut/look for each pet.

If you are looking for a groomer that goes out of her way for every customer and gives your pet the extra TLC he or she deserves, then our groomers at TailWaggers Doggy Daycare will fit your needs. Call TailWaggers Doggy Daycare to make an appointment.

(Grooming Rates vary depending on the breed of your dog, the condition of his or her coat, and the difficulty of the cut. Call for an estimate.)

Doggy Day Spa!

Treat your dog to a day of pampering! Drop your pet off for a day of grooming and doggy day care.